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Autumn Trekking Adventures

Lappitrek in Finland
Lappitrek in Norway
Lappitrek in Sweden
Let's meet in Kittilä
Autumn trekking
Night at a mountain cabin


WHEN: In September and October

WHERE: in the mountains of  Finland, Norway, and Sweden

DURATION: 7 days

MEETING POINT: in Kittilä, Lapland, Finland


LEVEL: Very demanding

ENVIRONMENT: This trekking adventure takes place in the wilderness far away from any urban structure. We progress on an uneven terrain in a total tundra and mountains environment. Expect 
about 1400 m of elevation gain. The weather is unstable (rain, low temperatures... and sunshine)

PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: Be able to trek and carry a rucksack for several days in a row. Handle well the necessary efforts to hike the distance and climb the elevation gain indicated above.  Have a perfect physical condition.

2039 euros/individual 
1523 euros/individual if 2 booking
1379 euros/individual if 3+ booking

1207 euros/individual (13-18 years old; more suitable for the late teens)

Price includes: the private mode of the trip (= not mixed with other people or groups), local transportation including the boat transfer, accommodation in a standard guesthouse on nights #1 and 6, accommodation in mountain cabins on nights #2-3-4, accommodation in a tent on night 5, the gear for trekking (tents, 3 seasons sleeping bags, sleeping pads, sustainable Kupilka dishware, stoves, backpacks, hiking poles...), hot drinks and snacks, all meals on days #2-3-4-5-6, breakfast on day #7, pictures, guiding work in English or French, permits and taxes

Price does not include: your round trip home-Lapland, the meals not mentioned above, your liability insurance, your health coverage, your souvenirs, your clothing adjusted to the season and activity

Payment: 20% at the time of booking then full payment up to 30 days before departure
Discount: Single parents, students (hand in a valid student card), individuals in ministry or clergy. Contact us.
Free of charge: all additional programs related to the specificity of our agency. On request. Contact us.

THE EXPERIENCE TO LIVE: There are not many backpacking adventures that make you visit three different countries in a single trek!  This is a unique opportunity to get to the heart of the wild Scandinavia. Even though the unpredictable weather and a moderate elevation gain make it a demanding trip, yet your efforts are rewarded with some amazing panoramas and a great variety of interests (views, geology, culture...)

Day 1: Your arrival in Kittilä. Transportation to your guesthouse. Preparation of the trek with the guide: gear review, technical information, questions & answers. Later in the evening, we share a light dinner around a bonfire by the Ounasjoki River. 

Day 2: Early wake-up and breakfast. 2h30 road trip on the "Auroras Road" towards the extreme Northwest of Finnish Lapland. Lunch under a traditional "laavu" in front of the iconic Finnish fell of Saanatunturi which was elected as National Landscape for the 100-year anniversary of Finland. At the beginning of afternoon the adventure begins. There is not much time to warm up as the trail immediately goes up and enters into the Malla Strict Nature Reserve. After the first demanding kilometers your efforts are well rewarded with the view opening up on Iso-Malla Fell and above all the majestic lake of Kilpisjärvi.  We keep that beautiful balcony view along the trail for many kilometers until we reach the Kuohkimajärvi's cabins. Rest and relaxing time. Dinner. You don't want to miss the walk that goes to that cairn where the three Nordic countries share the same border. Good night. Stage 1: 11 km. 450 m elevation gain.

Day 3: Wake-up and breakfast. Packing time. The second stage begins. We cross the first border and enter into Norway. We travel through some amazing wide open spaces of tundra where you get a deep feeling of freedom. You can admire the peak of Barras and the fell of Markos-Malla piercing the big sky. As we progress in our journey the environment becomes a little bit more alpine and mountains are replacing the fells. We reach the cosy cabins of Gappo. You will love contemplating at the majesty of the surrounding mountains, glaciers and fells. Rest and relaxing time. Dinner. Good night. Stage 2: 15 km. 400 m elevation gain.

Day 4: Wake-up and breakfast. Packing time. The third stage begins. We immediately enter into the country of Sweden. The highlight of this stage is beyond question the hike on an an esker almost all the way to our final destination for the day. The mountains of Moskangaisi and its glaciers, Pältsan and Vavrratoaivi guard our journey in a total wilderness atmosphere. Quickly we end up in the valley of Bealcanjohka where the mountain cabins of Pältsan are located. Rest and relaxing time. Possibility of sauna. Dinner. Walk to some powerful waterfalls. Good night. Stage 3: 11 km.170 m elevation gain.

Day  5: Early wake-up and breakfast. Packing time. We leave the mountains and enter again into a typical land of Arctic fells, small lakes, and lower altitudes. We return to the Finnish side and find ourselves on the shore of the big lake of Kilpisjärvi. We take a pleasant 30 mn boat trip that takes us back to Kilpisjärvi. We hike couple more kilometers and set up our camp at the foot of the mythic Saanatunturi. Rest and relaxing time. Dinner. Good night. Stage 4: 14 km. 460 m elevation gain. NOTE: In October the boat trip is not possible. Therefore day 6 is replaced with hiking all the way back.

Day 6:  Wake up and breakfast. Packing time. We wrap up our adventure with climbing the famous Saana Fell impressively standing high right before our camp site. We don't carry our backpacks for this. All the way up some spectacular views on the lake of Kilpisjärvi and the Käsivarsi Nature Reserve unveil to your eyes. We hike down and have lunch in a hut around the fireplace. Stage 5: 6 km. 450 m elevation gain. After lunch in the afternoon road trip back to Kittilä. Relaxing and rest time. Unpacking and gear review. Dinner. Good night.

Day 7: Depending on your flight schedule (early) wake up and breakfast. Transportation to Kittilä airport. Thank you for adventuring with Lappitrek!
Lappitrek in Finland
Let's meet in Kittilä
Autumn trekking
Night at a Mountain Cabin
Night in a Wilderness Cabin
Trekking with Lappitrek


WHEN: In September and October

DURATION: 8 days

MEETING POINT: In Kittilä or Levi


ENVIRONMENT: in the wilderness, mainly  fells environment, rocky trails, exposure to wins on the top of the fells, important elevation gain (about 2500 m total)

PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: ability to trek on a long distance and several days in a row, perfect health condition, handles efforts well especially carrying a rucksack, accepts the minor discomforts of life in nature, several eco-toilets on the itinerary

1985 euros/individual 
1542 euros/individual if 2 booking
1423 euros/individual if 3+ booking
1149 euros/individual (13-18 years old; suitable for late teens) 

Price includes: the private mode of the trip (= not mixed with other people or groups), local transportation, accommodation in a standard guesthouse on nights #1 and 7, the gear for trekking (3 seasons sleeping bags, sleeping mats, sustainable Kupilka dishware, stoves, backpacks, hiking poles...), hot drinks and snacks, all meals on days from 2 to 7, breakfast on day 8, pictures, guiding work in English or French, permits and taxes

Price does not include: your round trip home-Lapland, the meals not mentioned above, your insurance, your souvenirs, your clothing adjusted to the season and activity

Payment: 20% at the time of booking then full payment up to 30 days before departure
Discount: for children up to 18 years old, single parents, students, and individuals in ministry or clergy. Contact us.
Free of charge: all additional programs related to the specificity of our agency. On request. Contact us.

THE EXPERIENCE TO LIVE: Trek in total autonomy in one of the oldest and biggest n
ational parks in Finland from North to South in the majestic environment of Arctic fells and the wide open spaces  of tundra. Build some unforgettable memories of nights spent in lovely typical wooden structures.

Day 1: Welcome to Kittilä Airport, Lapland, Finland. Transportation to a local guesthouse in Kittilä. Installation and relaxing time. Presentation of the trek and preparation of the gear. Introductive dinner on the banks of the Ounasjoki River. Observation of the Northern lights weather permitting.

Day 2:  Early in the morning we leave and drive North for about 1h30. The starting point of our trek is located on the shores of a lake where we have to take a small boat in order to connect with the trail's head. Our first steps are in a forest of mountain birch and pine trees. We hike about 7 kilometers and take a lunch break in a lovely hut by an authentic stone fireplace. In the afternoon we're having the first climb of our adventure to reach the top of the barren fell of Pyhäkero. If it's not foggy you enjoy some breathtaking views on the whole mountains range of the national park. This is also the home of many Ptarmigans and Willow Grouses. Then we hike down and arrive at a mountain cabin where we will stay for the night. Stage 1: 14 km.  450 m elevation gain.

Day 3: This second stage is a beautiful run on a high plateau through wide open spaces of tundra. We walk over bridges that cross lovely creeks. We take our lunch break near a tiny altitude lake where water is so clear and pure. Reindeer are many on that section of the trek and will offer you some fantastic scenes of the Nordic wildlife. We arrive at the second mountain cabin of our trek. In the evening we're having an authentic sauna time deep in nature in the middle of nowhere. Stage 2: 14 km.  200 m elevation gain.

Day 4: This third stage is demanding but also spectacular and so beautiful. We're having several ups and downs that take us to quiet gorges but also amazing summits with grand views on the highest fells of the park. Depending on our schedule we might experience hiking in twilight or night so you can enjoy a gorgeous sunset. We arrive at another mountain cabin which is also a perfect spot to see the Northern lights. Stage 3: 14 km. 600 m elevation gain. 

Day  5:  It is another demanding stage but also extremely beautiful. We won't miss the climb of the highest summit of the park (Taivaskero) and wil end our stage in a lovely gorge. Stage 4: 15 km.  550 m elevation gain. 

Day 6:   This stage brings even more variety to the trek. It is a trip through the refreshing boreal forest among high spruces and pine trees. We observe the ecosystem and have a lunch break by the rapids of the Pyhäjoki. We end the stage with a short climb to reach out a lovely Lappish hut. Stage 5: 10 km.  Less than 150m elevation gain. 

Day 7: This is the last stage of our trek. We take it easy. We have the last climb of our trek that takes us to the top of Sammaltunturi. We hike down and arrive on the shores of the big lake of Jeris. We conclude our adventure with a second session of sauna. Stage 6: 9 km. 200 m elevation gain. After sauna we drive back to Kittilä and your guesthouse.

Day 8: Transfer to the airport. End of the adventure.

Wilderness sauna
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